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Keeping Kids Well

Improving Well-Child Care and Immunization Rates Across North Carolina

Among the many impacts of COVID-19 on North Carolina is a marked decrease in rates of well-child visits and childhood vaccinations. The problem is particularly acute in minority populations, but since the advent of COVID-19, parents across the board have been less likely to be up-to-date on these important medical services. Well-child care includes medical and developmental screening tests and immunizations are critical to avoiding problems such as a resurgence in measles and other communicable diseases.

To help increase well-child visits and immunization rates, Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) and NC AHEC, under the direction of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS), has launched the Keeping Kids Well program. CCNC and NC AHEC will work with practices experiencing a greater number of care gaps to improve these measures and also will work to raise awareness of the problem among North Carolina’s parents. 

We hope the materials available on this page will be helpful to clinicians and parents alike. Many thanks for North Carolina’s doctors and nurses for the work they do to keep North Carolina's children healthy despite the pandemic.

Webinar August 13

Don't miss the Keeping Kids Well Webinar event on Thursday, August 13 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. It's part of the NC Medicaid/CCNC/AHEC Health Care Professionals Webinar Series. Click the link below to join the webinar. 

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Questions or concerns about Keeping Kids Well?

Email CCNC Support!      Email NCAHEC Support!


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