CCNC Care Management Helene Recovery and Relief Efforts
CCNC's Outreach
- Over 7,300 patients were identified for outreach for wellbeing checks by the state
- Consisting of members who were energy dependent, TCM, and/or Cap C/D
- Over 6,000 outreach were attempts made to Medicaid Direct, FC, and Complex PHP members
- Many we were unable to locate numbers for so unable to attempt
- Over 2,500 reached and connected to resources
- Those UTR were submitted to 211 for further well-being checks in the respective counties
- Two of these stories are detailed below.
Challenged Teen Gets an Assist
"I have a 16 year old Hispanic Spanish speaking member who was abandoned by siblings with only one backpack of clothing and a few personal items. He was taken into DSS custody, qualifying him for Medicaid coverage and CCNC CM services.He was placed with a family in Burnsville. Most of everything around them was destroyed during the hurricane.
"I linked him with a dentist that assessed his needed root canal and also linked him with a Spanish-speaking therapist to navigate the trauma of his abandonment.
"He has been volunteering at a distribution site for the hurricane with his foster mom since they haven't had power for weeks. He is now learning English and because of all the donations, his foster mom reports he has a closet full of clothing and shoes and more personal items than he has ever had in his lifetime.She said he loves helping and meeting new people and that his mental health has improved drastically even though he has seen the devastation of the hurricane."
-Charity Evans, RN, CCM at CCNC
Disabled Widow Gets Hot Meals, Water
"The first day of the hurricane relief I contacted a wonderful lady who is disabled, bound to an wheelchair. She lost her husband a year ago, this was her first major event.
"She didn’t have much damage to her house, but lost electricity and water. Being she is disabled she was not able to get out and about to search for the resources. When I spoke with her, she was scared and concerned since the power was out and lost all her food in the refrigerator. I called several local churches to see who had food and water, while I was doing this I asked if they by chance had anyone who was able to deliver it to their location.
"When I spoke to one specific church, they stated they did have someone who delivered hot meals and other resources to those who were unable to get out. This was such a relief for me and the member, the church director also called me when they completed the delivery to let me know the member had a hot meal, extra food and water. They also continued delivering to her throughout this ordeal, and as long as the supplies lasted."
-Elishia Rayman at CCNC