For Providers: New COVID-19 Help for Your Patients
The COVID-19 pandemic is putting a tremendous strain on health care providers, the people on the front-line in efforts to control the pandemic. CCNC is pleased to announce a toll-free helpline aimed at answering your patients’ COVID-19 questions and helping them find the care they need. Our mission is to help patients while reducing the immediate demands on your office staff. We’re calling the new helpline COVID-19 Triage Plus.
A short document explaining the benefits to medical practices is available here. A second document we encourage you to share with your patients is available here.
COVID-19 Triage Plus aims to reduce the number of phone calls providers are getting by providing a new information channel and addressing care management needs. COVID-19 Triage Plus staff will triage patients using the latest CDC/NC DHHS guidelines. CCNC’s Triage RNs will attempt to close the feedback loop by identifying high risk callers linked to your practice and referring them back to you. Our aim is to help you keep track of your vulnerable patients.
COVID-19 Triage Plus staff are local, NC-licensed RNs experienced in care management who will assist any North Carolina resident regardless of insurance coverage or lack of coverage. Through an agreement with the NC Department of Health and Human Services, CCNC will staff this helpline from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., seven days a week.
We wish to thank all NC healthcare providers for the heroic efforts they are making to bring the pandemic under control. Please let us know how else we can help. The new line begins operation on Monday, April 6 and will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., seven days a week.
COVID-19 Triage Plus Patient Information and Support Line: 1-877-490-6642.