CCNC Efforts to Improve Pediatric Oral Health Detailed in NC Medical Journal
North Carolina Medical Journal's January/February issue features an article written by Kern Eason, program manager at CCNC, and Dr. Marian Earls, deputy chief medical officer at CCNC, on the unique path of integrating oral health into pediatric primary care visits in North Carolina.
In the article, Eason & Dr. Earls discuss how the “Into the Mouths of Babes” program, which coordinates statewide efforts to improve the oral health of children, leverages CCNC’s local network presence to promote the adoption of clinical guidelines for pediatric preventive oral health care for young populations.
Training implemented under CHIPRA has led to an increase in access to preventive oral health services and a decrease in dental caries related treatments, Eason writes.
Learn about CCNC’s continuing efforts to improve communication between primary care doctors and dentists in “A Commentary of Pediatric Oral Health in North Carolina,” available now.