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CCNC Update: April 2012

CCNC Update: April 2012

In the News

BNA Publications article on NCHIE. BNA, which publishes subscription content aimed at various professionals, ran this article on April 5 (used with permission). For more information, see the NCHIE/CCNC joint press release.

Recent coverage of Chronic Pain Initiative (CPI) in the Shelby Star.

Marketwatch coverage of medical homes. Recent article in Marketwatch notes participation by CCNC’s Dr. Steve Wegner and Troy Trygstad in a NaviNet “Chief Medical Officer Advisory Board” meeting focused on best practices in accountable care and patient-centered medical homes.

Medical home list continues to grow. Congratulations to the latest group of MAPCP practices to achieve PCMH recognition. Kudos also to Wake County Human Services for attaining PCMH Level I. Tip of the hat also to the many folks at CCNC networks working hard to make this happen.



AccessCare featured. Alumni publication The Fountain has a great article on AccessCare’s Charles Glenn Humble (used with permission).



Palliative care event well received in Fayetteville. Earlier this week, an innovative approach to raising awareness of advance directives and palliative care hosted by Carolina Collaborative Community Care (4C) enjoyed good attendance and the enthusiastic participation of partners, including the North Carolina Organ Donor Association. The event, which was held in conjunction with National Healthcare Decisions Day, featured a live play that detailed a family’s struggle with end-of-life issues. 4C and Cumberland PEACE were supported in the effort by a statewide proclamation from the Governor’s office and the participation of three other Cumberland County cities.

Care manager asthma training coming soon. Don’t miss a live webinar to be held on Friday, May 4 aimed at improving asthma care. The webinar will be recorded and archived in CMIS for later viewing. Topics include how asthma medications work in and on the airways, the role of the Asthma Action Plan (AAP), environmental factors influencing asthma and the care manager’s role with the Quality Measures and Feedback (QMAF) initiative. For more information see your Network Director or contact Teresa Piezzo.


Other News

Depression Toolkit launched. A new Depression toolkit has been made available to help busy primary care practitioners access practical, evidence-based tools for treating Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The toolkit includes implementation recommendations, an algorithm to help with initial assessment, screening tools, critical decision points and recommendations regarding treatment and medication. The Toolkit is available on CCNC’s website.

Motivation interviewing added to CCNC “new hire” orientation. The orientation process has been expanded an additional day to allow training for CCNC care managers and other clinical staff to include motivational interviewing. The move highlights MI as a core value in CCNC’s approach and the commitment of the Central Office to training and supporting staff in this important skill set.