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CCNC Update: December 2012

CCNC Update: December 2012

In the News

Quality Enterprise Videos Launched. The American Journal of Managed Care recently launched a video series capturing a wide-range roundtable discussion on health care quality. The discussion features CCNC’s Dr. Allen Dobson, Marcia James of Humana, Dennis White from the National Business Coalition on Health, Dr Jed Weissberg of Kaiser Permanente, Margaret O’Kane from the National Committee for Quality Assurance, and Dr Tom Valuck of the National Quality Forum. You can view the “Quality Enterprise” videos here.

Business North Carolina magazine issues list of “best doctors." CCNC network Clinical Directors Dr. Robert L. Rich, Jr. (Community Care of the Lower Cape Fear) and Dr. Beat Steiner (AccessCare) were recognized in the category of Family Medicine. Congrats to both physicians for making this prestigious list. You can view the Best Doctors list here.



Pharmacy journal reviews Med Rec Collaboration Program. The “Consultant Pharmacist,” a peer-reviewed journal for the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, examined collaboration between AccessCare and Community Care of Western North Carolina around transitions of care and medication management. The article is available here.


Other News

Partnership for Community Care Starting a Healthy Food Pantry. To help low-income patients with chronic diseases, P4CC will be stocking a “Partnership Pantry” that aims is to make healthy foods and nutrition education more available, empowering patients to better manage their health conditions. For more details on the program, please see the P4CC press release.