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CCNC Update: December 2013

CCNC Update: December 2013

In the News

Pharmacy Times. CCNC's Troy Trygstad wrote an article for Pharmacy Times about how a forward-looking strategy is essential when selecting HIT solutions. Read the full article here.

Project Lazarus events and developments

Polk County - Project Lazarus community coalition is catalyzing a band of community partners in law enforcement, schools, health organizations and faith-based organizations to work toward reducing unintentional poisonings, with a roll out meeting in January. Read more about the Polk County efforts in the Tryon Daily Bulletin.

Davidson County - On Dec. 10, a keynote speaker and 75 people helped announce The Davidson County Stop Prescription Drug Abuse Now, a new coalition aimed at stopping prescription drug abuse in Davidson County. The coalition is a branch of Project Lazarus, and the first Davidson County Project Lazarus Forum at the Lexington Police Training Center served as a way to publicly announce the effort. Read more about the meeting in The Dispatch.

Pitt County - CCNC's Dr. Tom Wroth led a discussion among 75 primary care and emergency physicians and nurses, pharmacists, pain specialists, substance abuse treatment and behavioral health providers, and representatives from the Pitt County Sheriff's Office to better communicate the available approaches to pain management that could effectively reduce incidences of harm caused by improper or poorly managed medication use. Read more about the program in the Greenville Daily Reflector.

Watauga County  - The High Country Press highlighted the installment of Watauga County’s first medication drop box in the Watauga County Sheriff’s Office. The box was sponsored by The Project Lazarus Community Coalition of Watauga County. Read more about the installation here.

Trainings - The training, “A Guide to Rational Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Pain,” will be held at FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital on Jan. 23 and at Cabarrus Family Medicine on Jan. 30. Sign up for the Jan. 23 here, or the Jan. 30 event here. Additional training programs are scheduled for Greenville and Charlotte in the coming month. Visit the Project Lazarus registration site for more information and to register for trainings.

Pharmacy Home Project. The Pharmacy has launched – a website dedicated to The Pharmacy Home Project. The Project has already benefited North Carolina’s patients and it’s now expanding to create a national presence and encourage other communities to build their own Pharmacy Homes. Check out the website and keep up with the Project on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.



NC HIE Trainings. NC HIE, the North Carolina Medical Society Foundation and CCNC are providing a two-hour training on NC HIE: Opt-Out training and Super User training on Dec. 12. For details, check here.


Other News

NCHICA Thought Leader Forum. At the Nov. 4 NCHICA Thought Leader Forum on Analytics & Informatics, CCNC’s Dr. Annette DuBard participated in a lively discussion with panelists about analytics and value-based healthcare. See Dr. DuBard’s presentation here, or check out a video of the event here. The next Thought Leader Forum is scheduled for February 5, 2014 at The Friday Center in Chapel Hill, NC.

Health Break. The Call Center Health Coaches will host Health Break discussions on the first Thursday of each month, and anyone interested is welcome to participate or listen in. Some topics are also discussed in Spanish on the second Thursday of the month. Information about upcoming discussions will be sent out.

Care Triage. The Pharmacy Department announced Care Triage is now live within PHARMACeHOME. Currently there is only one clinical rule that is live but the team will release additional rules soon and will announce the implementation of each one. Check out the full announcement here.