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CCNC Update: March 2013

CCNC Update: March 2013

In the News

Cummings named director of the Office of Rural Health and Community Care (ORHCC). Former Community Care of the Sandhills Clinical Director Robin Cummings, MD, has been appointed director of ORHCC, the state agency that supports rural health centers and helps place medical, psychiatric and dental providers in communities across North Carolina. While the CCNC family is sorry to see Dr. Cummings leave his Sandhills role, we all wish him the best of luck in his new post. For more information, please see local coverage of the appointment.

CCNC role in care innovations highlighted. Please see coverage of the Winston-Salem Journal for information on changes in the Triad health care delivery system aimed at improving provider accountability.

AHRQ profiles Pregnancy Medical Home program. The Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) recently highlighted the operations of the Pregnancy Medical Home (PMH) program in the January 30 issue of their online “Innovations Exchange” publication. Thanks to Kate Berrien, Dr. Kate Menard and Denise Levis for assisting AHRQ in making the details of the PMH program available to public health advocates nationwide.



CCNC staff featured in the Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy. Please see the March 2013 issue of JMCP for an article on CCNC’s experience with a web-based prior approval application. Lead author Kristin Lundeen, an AccessCare network pharmacist, is joined by AccessCare data analyst Tim O’Brien as well as Dr. Steve Wegner and Trista Pfeiffenberger of CCNC’s Central Office.


Other News

CCNC “medical missionary” featured. Don’t miss this great piece featuring Dr. James Jones on WFDD’s Real People, Real Stories. Many thanks to Dr. Jones for sharing his truly inspiring life story. The story and an audio clip of the broadcast are available here.

Presentation on adolescent screening program posted. Please see the CCNC Pediatrics/CHIPRA page for a presentation on the MOC-IV project on Adolescent Screening. The aim of this project is to improve the delivery of care for adolescent patients in pediatric and family practices by assessing protocols in place for working with that population. This activity has been approved by the AAFP for 20 prescribed credits and by the ABFM and the ABP as a MOC Part IV Activity.