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CCNC Update: May 2013

CCNC Update: May 2013

In the News

Medicaid Reform.  Governor McCrory's Medicaid reform proposal continues to generate media coverage. Op-ed from High County Press on five physicians from Blue Ridge Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine here

Pharmacy Times.  Troy Trygstad, Director of the CCNC Network Pharmacist Program and Pharmacy Projects is serving as an expert in Pharmacy Times' series, Directions in Pharmacy.  The Pharmacy Times effort is detailed in this press release in the Wall Street Journal.



National recognition for CCNC.  In the April 2013 edition of AcademyHealth, CCNC is recognized as one of three national examples of important innovations in the Medicaid delivery system.

CCNC Medical Homes and AHRQ.  The latest issue of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Health Care Innovations Exchange features CCNC's medical home model and improvements in care quality and significant cost savings achieved by CCNC.



The Aspen Institute Health Stewardship Project's North Carolina Regional Health Care Summit, "Doing It The North Carolina Way 2.0," will be held Monday, May 13 at the Marriott at Research Triangle Park. Tom Wroth, CCNC VP and Deputy Chief Medical Officer will be on the speaking panel.  You can register for the event here.

The 7th Annual Chapel Hill Drug Conference, "Pharmacy Practice Models: Traditions and Innovations," will be held Thursday, May 16 and Friday, May 17 at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. CCNC CEO Dr. Allen Dobson and Troy Trygstad, Director of the CCNC Network Pharmacist Program and Pharmacy Projects will present at the event.

IMPaCT Meetings.  CCNC and the NC Area Health Education Centers are enhancing primary care through the NC IMPaCT grant. Click here to register for the NC IMPaCT Regional Leadership Collaborative meeting on May 21 featuring guest lectures and a progress presentation from all grant recipients.


Other News

RWJF meeting features NC experts. Jennifer Cockerham and Annette DuBard of CCNC, along with Chris Collins of ORHCC and Dr. Steve Crane of Blue Ridge Community Health Center in Hendersonville, were featured speakers at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Aligning Forces for Quality National Meeting: Partnering for Sustainability.  Information on the meeting is available here.

CCNC Privacy Officer honored.  Frances Bethea, CCNC's Privacy Officer, is the recipient of the North Carolina Health Information Management Association's 2013 PRISM Volunteer of the Year Award, which recognizes and honors outstanding members of NCHIMA who exemplify the spirit of volunteerism at the regional level upon which the association is dependent. In February, Frances also completed the national examination for the Certified Healthcare Privacy and Security Credential under the auspices of the American Health Information Management Association.  Kudos and congrats to Frances!

PCMH mavens recognized. Congratulations to Dr. David Halpern, Dr. Chip Watkins, Teresa Harbour, R.N., and Roy Gilbert on achieving certification as PCMH Certified Content Experts.  Only nine individuals in N.C. achieved this prestigious national recognition.

Transformation and Medical Homes examined. The Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative reports that the Alliance for Health Reform hosted a Capitol Hill briefing with panelists from Harvard University, CMS and The Commonwealth Fund to discuss patient-centered medical homes. The experts emphasized that the medical home is the essential underpinning of health system transformation, but that the journey will require patience and dedication to change and improvement. Watch a webcast and view speaker presentations here.