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CCNC's Practice Transformation Network Helps Ready NC Practices for Value-Based Payment

CCNC's Practice Transformation Network Helps Ready NC Practices for Value-Based Payment

Community Care of North Carolina’s Practice Transformation Network (PTN) coordinates an ongoing quarterly coach learning collaborative to facilitate the sharing of experiences to accelerate learning and provide a broader implementation of identified best practices. Collaborative attendees include Practice Transformation Coaches and Supervisors, Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Specialists, Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Clinical Data Specialists, pharmacy representation and the PTN Operations Team.

The overarching goal is to provide concise and targeted information and real-world examples of strategies to improve everyone’s readiness for value-based care and payment environments.  

The focus of our April 29 collaborative is around sharing exemplary practice performance stories.  Exemplary practices are the product of the CMS Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPi) and transformation efforts through PTN. A performance story includes the human element of the patient voice combined with data results that convey real value to others such as payers.

To date, our interactive learning collaborative has resulted in accelerated transformation and transition of 113 practices to exemplary status!

Atha Gurganus (center), facilitates a discussion between clinical specialists

CCNC's Practice Transformation Network Helps Ready NC Practices for Value-Based Payment