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Clinical Operations Poster Session Recap

Clinical Operations Poster Session Recap

CCNC's Clinical Operations team held their annual Care Management Conference on May 2, 2018 in Raleigh, North Carolina, where this year's theme, "Showing Value, Securing Our Future," centered around projects from all aspects of care management, including ways to engage patients and new chronic pain initiatives. Learn about these projects by downloading posters here

Poster topics include:
•  Chronic Pain Initiative: Robeson County Project Lazarus - A Community's Approach to Addressing Opioid Use and Misuse
•  Smoking Cessation
•  Using Healthy Lifestyles Care Plan to Improve Health Outcomes for Morbidly Obese Patients
•  No Silos: Integrating Case Management and Practice Improvement
•  Increasing First Trimester Entry to Prenatal Care in the NC Medicaid Population
•  Expanding the Care Team through Collaboration with a Community Pharmacy: A CPESN Partnership with Siler City Pharmacy
•  Setting AIMS for Practice Transformation
•  Evolution of Clinical Operations Field Staff QI Validation
•  Boots on the Ground: Increasing Care Management Home Visits
•  Quality of Case Management Services Maintained at Exceeds Expectations for 2 Years Despite a Major Organizational Transition
•  CCNC Priority Patients: Outreach and Engagement Improvement Project
•  Engaging Our Patients: All Hands on Deck
•  Refine and Standardize Priority Patient List Processes Across All Regions
•  Going to Places Where We Have Never Been: Measuring the Fourth AIM of the Quadruple AIM


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