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CoCM Capacity Building Fund Application FAQ

CoCM Capacity Building Fund Application FAQ


How does a practice submit an application for the funding?

Connect with AHEC for referral from your AHEC Coach, meet with CCNC to receive an online application Jotform.


How can the funding be used?

The CoCM Capacity Building Funds are incentive funds for building capacity when initiating and supporting your new CoCM programming.


Are there any prerequisites to completing the application?

  • Practice is referred by AHEC Practice Support Coach
  • A Practice leadership representative has watched the first three AHEC introduction modules to CoCM
  • Practice Leadership (decision makers) have made the informed decision to implement CoCM (date and by whom)


How do I find the County Distress Ranking (county tiers)?

Note: County Tier refers to the County Distress Ranking per the NC Department of Commerce found here.


Our practice site is not located in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 county, but we serve members in those counties?

Eligibility is based on the county of the practice’s physical address.


Once the application is submitted, how long will it take to be processed?

Completed applications will be processed within 30-45 business days. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant to be corrected and resubmitted and the processing time will start once the application has been returned completed. Funds will be distributed 30 days after a signed participation agreement (through Concord and financial EFT and W-9 information submitted through CoCM Request for Funds Authorization Jotform).


The practice site is not currently providing CoCM but has provided CoCM in the past, in which phase are we eligible to apply?

Practices are eligible in Phase 1 if their last date of CoCM service was longer than six months ago. If the last date of service was within the last six months, the practice can apply when Phase 2 applications open (TBA). Note: Practices meeting Phase 1 criteria who newly began billing for CoCM in-house between 7/8/24 and 10/10/24 can also apply in Phase 1.


The practice has not implemented CoCM, but we have hired our BHCM and have referrals waiting. We would like to be considered for Phase 1 and have not started implementation to be able to apply to meet eligibility criteria. Can we begin CoCM on the date of our application?

Yes, practices who have not yet implemented CoCM or have not provided CoCM services in the last 6 months and will implement the model in-house (i.e., without using an external turn-key vendor for staffing) or practices meeting Phase 1 criteria who newly began billing for CoCM in-house between 7/8/24 and 10/10/24 can also apply in Phase 1. This does not guarantee eligibility or a post application award.


Can a practice who contracts with a BH company for staff (BHCM and or Psychiatric Consultant) rather than outsourcing with a 3rd party turn-key company qualify as a Phase 1 practice?

Yes, but the primary care site must be the applicant and will be the awardee. Their arrangement and contract with the BH agency is one for them to design (there are samples online and your AHEC Coach can assist).


The practice site is currently providing CoCM. Are we eligible to apply for the funding?

If a practice has already adopted CoCM (billing CPT codes 99492, 99493, 99494, or HCPCS codes G0323, G2214, G0512) they will be considered for Phase 2: Practices that meet Phase 1 eligibility, have already adopted CoCM, but have not fully built capacity (No/few claims billed, claims issues, or want to expand services but require funds to do so). Award $30k.


When will Phase 2 be open for applications?

Phase 2: Fall 2024, (to be announced).


Our practice is planning on using a 3rd party (turn-key) company for the BHCM, are we eligible for the funds?

Practices that are planning on outsourcing staffing to a 3rd party turn-key company may apply during Phase 2.