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Guided learning collaborative for behavioral health agencies

Guided Learning Collaborative for Behavioral Health Agencies

CCNC’s Practice Transformation team, in partnership with CCNC’s Behavioral Health team, recently led a forum to enhance learning opportunities and leverage the knowledge, expertise, and unique needs of the 12 behavioral health organizations enrolled in its Practice Transformation Network.

CCNC uses the Practice Transformation Network’s milestones, drivers, and change concepts to drive quality improvement and share learnings from organizations across the state working on their own unique transformation plans, aims, and goals.

During the first in-person meeting of this collaborative learning group, over 40 representatives from the 12 enrolled behavioral health organizations across the state heard from Michelle Bucknor, MD, Chief Medical Officer for CCNC, on preparing for value-based care, and Denise Levis-Hewson, Chief Operating Officer for CCPN, on value of clinically integrated networks.

Andrew Clendenin, CCNC’s vice president of population health and clinical integration, presented on Safety, Prevention, Awareness & Raising Confidence (SPARC), a new approach to chronic pain management and opioid safety that provides virtual case-based discussions on the evaluation and treatment of common chronic pain disorders and safe use of opioids.

Guest speaker Kenya Servia, Business Development and Outreach Specialist from the North Carolina Health Information Exchange Authority (NCHIEA), outlined NC HealthConnex, the state’s new system to link clinical data health care providers across the state via their Clinical Portal or electronic health record integration.


Speakers from top to bottom: Kenya Servia; Michelle Bucknor, MD;  and Andrew Clendenin, MSW


Guest speaker Kenya Servia


Michelle Bucknor


Guided learning collaborative for behavioral health agencies