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CCNC’s New Approach to Chronic Pain Management & Opioid Safety

Project ECHO sessions from CCNC have currently ended. Stay tuned for updates on future sessions! 

Much more than clinical knowledge is needed to successfully manage chronic pain and treatment regimens that include opioids. SPARC (Safety, Prevention, Awareness, & Raising Confidence) includes didactic presentations by experienced provider-educators on specific topics of interest and in-depth, case-based, and interactive discussions from the community providers’ practices. Feedback and practical recommendations will be provided.

Gain up-to-date knowledge of scientific advances through brief didactic presentations, enhance your knowledge around current guidelines for the safe use of opioids, and become an expert in your community through mentorship, education, and support. 

Please reach out to if you have any questions. 


View topics/dates and download slides from previous sessions

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